3 February 2022
The first full week of February marks the national Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, where organisations from across the country join together to raise awareness and engage in conversations around sexual abuse and sexual violence.
The week aims to generate discussion among the general public, statutory bodies and third sector organisations about how sexual abuse and sexual violence is not ok, it aims to empower victims and send out a clear message that the UK collectively will be saying ‘It’s Not Ok’.
Organiser Yehudis Goldsobel said: “Over the past few years we have seen the steady growth in involvement in this awareness week. Countless organisations have participated with hundreds of events happening both on social media and face-to-face across the country. The message is slowly being heard – sexual abuse and sexual violence is not ok. We can only add to this by encouraging everyone to participate in the discussions, not only victims and survivors, but all of us can help shine a light.”
The Barnardo's Beacon project are here to support young people from 0 - 19 who have experienced sexual abuse, their non-abusive parents/carers and the professionals working with them. Here on our website we aim to share resources, information and help break the silence around child sexual abuse.